Tech hiring amplified

Automate hiring decisions with simulation-based, real-world assessments

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Hire the best tech

Why Do Our Customers Choose Us?

Hire effectively

SkillRank’s highly interactive user-friendly interface helps increase productivity & reduce recruiting time. You can easily run SkillRank on as many browsers and devices as possible.

Hire the best tech

"Hiring process is time consuming, people intensive & yet it falls short of providing the right talent."

Solve Real world problems through

Solve eal world problems through our powerful
Simulation Lab.

SkillRank simulates real work environments for skill based rating & scoring. Find the right developers for your company based on their real world problem solving skills & not their resume alone.

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Time reduced to hire


Job Acceptance rate Improved


Time saved by Hiring Managers


Resource hiring improved

Transparent Evaluation process

Transparent Evaluation process

SkillRank assigns an overall score & grades a candidate assessment based on skills and sub-skills. You can also view assessment recording & log of each skill including why it was graded high/low allowing you to choose the right cutoff as per your requirement.

Self-Serve Authoring Suite

SkillRank’s powerful Authoring Suite allows your team to create custom assessments. This allows you to view how a candidate approaches the problem at hand by replicating a production issue.

Transparent Evaluation process
Transparent Evaluation process

Hands-On Video Interview Lab

SkillRank’s Interview Lab provides you with a canvas to interact with candidates. Interview over a Video call in real time while the candidate shows their skills in the simulated environment & discuss architecture using our White Boarding feature.

100+ Simulation Tests, 70+ Tools & Languages

Technical hiring goes beyond coding. SkillRank’s massive assessment library allows you to hire for the tools & languages used in your company including DevOps, Cloud, ERP, RPA, Visualization Engines and also coding.

Transparent Evaluation process
Transparent Evaluation process

ATS Integration

SkillRank can easily be integrated with ATS & select relevant candidates through the ATS pool and increase hiring efficiency.