Automate hiring decisions with simulation-based, real-world assessments
Get Started Request a demoSkillRank’s highly interactive user-friendly interface helps increase productivity & reduce recruiting time. You can easily run SkillRank on as many browsers and devices as possible.
SkillRank simulates real work environments for skill based rating & scoring. Find the right developers for your company based on their real world problem solving skills & not their resume alone.
Request a demoTime reduced to hire
Job Acceptance rate Improved
Time saved by Hiring Managers
Resource hiring improved
SkillRank assigns an overall score & grades a candidate assessment based on skills and sub-skills. You can also view assessment recording & log of each skill including why it was graded high/low allowing you to choose the right cutoff as per your requirement.
SkillRank’s powerful Authoring Suite allows your team to create custom assessments. This allows you to view how a candidate approaches the problem at hand by replicating a production issue.
SkillRank’s Interview Lab provides you with a canvas to interact with candidates. Interview over a Video call in real time while the candidate shows their skills in the simulated environment & discuss architecture using our White Boarding feature.
Technical hiring goes beyond coding. SkillRank’s massive assessment library allows you to hire for the tools & languages used in your company including DevOps, Cloud, ERP, RPA, Visualization Engines and also coding.
SkillRank can easily be integrated with ATS & select relevant candidates through the ATS pool and increase hiring efficiency.